Nathaniel Kingsbury

Nathaniel worked in emergency medicine for 18 years before deciding to pursue POP. He enlisted in the Army National Guard in 2006 and deployed to Iraq in 2009. After returning from deployment, he worked for several years in a civilian ambulance service and then as an emergency room technician. One day, he met a patient whose prosthetic devices had been damaged, but his insurance refused to cover the cost of fixing them. Nathaniel and his colleagues stepped in, and thanks to their help, the man got the repairs made. Nathaniel began looking into POP schools the next day.

Now Nathaniel is completing his master’s in prosthetics and orthotics at the University of Pittsburgh. Nathaniel is passionate about helping underserved communities, including veterans and patients without insurance, and looks forward to using his POP skills to ensure everyone has access to the care and support they need to thrive.

Take your time. I never expected to find POP, but I’m so grateful I did.
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