Jaden Schovanec

Jaden’s dad is a civil engineer, and his mom is a math teacher. He often came home from school to see his father’s blueprints and mother’s math papers on the dining room table, which sparked his love for numbers. He also loved visiting his grandfather’s body shop, where he got his hands dirty helping fix cars. These experiences steered him toward a career focused on problem-solving and understanding how things are built.

Jaden pursued his undergraduate degree in biomedical engineering at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. However, he wasn’t sure how to apply his degree in the real world. One day, his friend recommended he shadow at a POP clinic. At the clinic, Jaden was fascinated by the human body’s adaptability and the application of physics within a POP career. He instantly knew it was the career for him.

Jaden is completing his master’s in orthotics and prosthetics at Northwestern University. He loves using his knack for numbers to help people and hopes to one day return to his home state of Nebraska to support patients in his community.

If you like physics and math but don’t want to sit at a desk all day, POP is the career for you.
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