Ashlee Durthaler

Ashlee’s brother was born with a clubfoot. Throughout their childhood, she watched him undergo surgeries and use orthotic devices. Even though she saw how POP improved her brother’s life, she never thought of the profession as something she herself could do.

Ashlee studied biomedical engineering at the University of Tennessee in Knoxville. While she loved the subject matter, something was missing. She felt like she was being given problems but never got to connect with the people behind the solutions. Ashlee thought back to her brother and decided POP was the perfect avenue for her to do both.

Ashlee applied for Northwestern University’s master’s program in prosthetics and orthotics and never looked back. She loves building relationships with patients and working with new technologies like 3D printing to create custom devices. Ashlee looks forward to seeing POP techniques continue to advance and contributing to the next generation of breakthroughs in patient care.

I’ve always been thankful for what POP has done for my family and am so excited to help people.
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