MARCH 2025

POP Month is Here!
Celebrate Careers in POP
Prosthetics, Orthotics and Pedorthics

The American Board for Certification in Orthotics, Prosthetics & Pedorthics (ABC) invites the entire POP community to raise the visibility of career opportunities and recognize POP experts nationwide.
Sign up for POP Month updates

Earn CE credits with POP Talks

Join POP Talks to hear from experts offering insights to support the POP profession and earn up to 3.75 CE credits.

POP Month Countdown


Get Involved

Participating in POP Month is easy, whether you’re a POP professional, a patient care facility owner or manufacturer or consumer group serving POP communities.

Celebrate POP Month

There’s still time to join the POP Month fun! Celebrate POP Month by highlighting the profession and those working in the community. Here are a few ideas to spark creativity, but the possibilities are endless.

Tell us how you're celebrating POP Month

Sign Up for Updates
Sign up for POP Month’s e-newsletter to receive information and updates.
Host an Event
Host an open house or shadow day during POP Month to highlight POP innovations and encourage students to experience the profession up close.
Become a POP Month Partner
POP Month will share your organization’s name in POP Month materials and on the website. Partners must publicly commit to conducting outreach and/or hosting activities promoting the profession in March 2025.
“POP-Out” Community Event
Meet students where they are and “POP out” to give a presentation about the profession to a local school, college, club or community group.
“POP and Circumstance” – POP Celebration
Honor an outstanding employee or innovator with a POP award and share their achievement with the community.
Raise Awareness of POP Month
Share about POP Month on social media and at meetings and conferences.
Share Your POP Journey
Contact local media, post on social media, appear at a local school science fair, or volunteer for POP Month events.
“POP-In” Open House
Welcome students and community members to “POP in” to tour the facilities, learn more about the profession, and hear why staff love what they do.
“POP-Over” Shadow Day
Invite students to “POP over” and experience an authentic “day-in-the-life” of POP professionals by hosting a shadowing day.
“POPclamation” – POP Month Proclamation
Make the celebration community-wide by asking local officials to declare a POP Month or POP Day in March.

Our Partners

Academy of Pedorthic Science

American Academy of Orthotists and Prosthetists

American Orthotic & Prosthetic Association

Amputee Blade Runners

A Place for Her

Baylor College of Medicine Orthotics and Prosthetics Program

BioLogic P&O

Board of Certification/Accreditation

California State University Dominguez Hills Orthotic and Prosthetic Program

College Park Industries

Cranial Technologies

Dankmeyer, Inc.

Durrett’s Orthotics & Prosthetics

Eastern Michigan University Master of Science in Orthotics and Prosthetics Programs 

Fior & Gentz

Friddle’s Orthopedic Appliances

Grace Prosthetic Fabrication Inc.

Hanger Clinic

Hely & Weber Orthopedics

International Institute of Orthotics and Prosthetics

Kennesaw State University Master of Science in Prosthetics and Orthotics

National Association for the Advancement of Orthotics & Prosthetics

National Commission on Orthotic and Prosthetic Education

Northwestern University Prosthetics-Orthotics Center


Orthotic & Prosthetic Clinics of America

Orthotics and Prosthetics Foundation For Education and Research

Prosthetic & Orthotic Group

University of Hartford - Prosthetics and Orthotics

University of Pittsburgh’s Masters in Prosthetics and Orthotics Program

University of Washington Prosthetics & Orthotics Program

About WhatIsPOP

The American Board for Certification in Orthotics, Prosthetics and Pedorthics (ABC) launched WhatIsPOP in 2022 to raise awareness and excitement about careers to future POP professionals.
Explore WhatIsPOP

What is POP?

POP is the most interesting career in healthcare. People who work with prosthetics, orthotics and pedorthics improve the lives of millions of people, making a profound, immediate and visible difference for patients, families and communities.


POP offers exciting jobs and innovations, from 3-D printing of orthotic devices to a first-of-its-kind innovative lab team devoted to developing a neurally controlled artificial limb.


Opportunities abound to find the POP path that’s right for you. POP offers career options for people with high school, college or graduate degrees.

POP Careers

The POP profession is plentiful and engaging, mixing interpersonal and technical skills. With so many types of jobs and different ways to contribute, variety is part of POP. Whether working in a hospital setting, a university medical center, a multi-location clinical practice or a local clinic serving underrepresented communities…the possibilities are endless.
Explore POP Careers
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