Mackenzie Beach

Mackenzie always wanted a career in science or anatomy, but after choosing an undergraduate major in forensic science, she knew something was missing. Though she enjoyed the subject matter, Mackenzie wanted a career where she could apply her knowledge and feel the same passion she felt when volunteering for her community.

After talking to her mom, a physical therapist, Mackenzie researched the POP profession and reached out to local clinics. A few shadowing days later, Mackenzie was hooked and asked the residents she shadowed for advice. She learned they had all been in the same class together at Northwestern University. Mackenzie immediately changed her undergraduate major to meet the prerequisites and is now a second-year master’s student in prosthetics and orthotics at Northwestern University.

With a residency at a mom-and-pop clinic on the horizon, Mackenzie looks forward to forming meaningful relationships and giving back to her patients. She has a soft spot for both orthotics and pediatrics and can’t wait to see where her POP journey takes her next.   

This profession is so welcoming and encourages learning. Don’t be afraid to reach out and get involved.
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